We stayed in a fantastic campsite the last couple of nights. Mowbray Creek campground is situated on the banks of a dry creekbed. It has some good facilities, spacious sites with emus, goannas and lots of birds wandering throughout.
There is a lovely short walk along the creek with a thoughful series of explanations about the redgums. They follow the dry water sources and are just magnificent trees. We learned about their ecological significance, their importance to the local aboriginal people, early logging and how the species is being affected by climate change.
The walk extended for a longer loop to some homestead ruins and old cemetry.
We made our way to the other side of the mountain to wander through Alligator Gorge. The kids loved scrambling over all the rocks and it was easy to picture the 600million year old seabed.

Overall Ed's phone tells us we walked 11km yesterday and I'm sure the kids walked much further as they did much of it in a zigzag! A long way for little legs!
Feels good to be in the middle of no-where! Looks like your'e amazed and happy. Taking it all in
A wonderful family adventure