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EMST (Emergency Management of Severe Trauma)

Surgeons have a particular confidence about them. Some might say arrogance. Let's say certainly some swagger. Well I wonder now how much comes from this place. I mean if this was the heart of your profession wouldn't that stately architecture rub off a little? I'm sure you'd feel a little grander every time you walked in these doors knowing you belonged there. And it might make you feel better about the exorbitant fees you had to haemorrhage into the College coffirs. to get there. Or not. In any casr the College of Surgeons provided this magnificent location for my EMST course in Melbourne the last few days. These dudes were prominently positioned in the entrance to monitor my progress each day:

This was part of my remote medicine preparation. I'm pretty scared about what disasters might be headed my way in Maningrida so I wanted some better skills to help me menage them. And I have to say after 3 days of damn hard work I do indeed feel better prepared. We walked through stabbings and gunshot wounds, car crashes and burns, even triaging of mass casualties. The skills stations were slick and practical and I left feeling like whatever walks through the door I can give it a red hot go.

Rescusci-Annie and all her kin got a good work out

I'll leave you with this view of Barbie with frostbite. I wish I'd grabbed a shot of Ken with 80% burns. Poor old Ken it wan't looking good for him.

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댓글 2개

2019년 4월 12일

Frostbite be damned, she’s still rocking that blue eyeshadow (or is that a symptom?!)


Lawtons 5
Lawtons 5
2019년 4월 08일

Awesome that someone has come up with a good use for Ken and Barbie! Love too that I havent read this for a week and there is heaps to see. Keep travelling well xxx

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